Thursday, March 25, 2010

yellow butterfly

one year ago today my best friend's father passed away.  He was like a second father to me and i loved him as if he were my own daddy.  (and i still do).  i was with him when he passed, along with so many of his dear loved ones.  For days we surrounded him with prayers and love- for him, for one another.... and with song-- one of the languages he spoke so well.  and our hearts broke and simultaneously rejoiced as he slipped from this life into the next; no longer plagued by his pain.... the spring trees were bursting with blossoms and the birds were singing with all of their hearts; yellow butterflies flitted between the trees and flowers and Danny's soul departed from his body as we sang him home.

I think about him almost every day.  His  life example inspires me and spurs me on to be better and greater, more patient, more loving, to work for unity and peace and create work which makes others happy.... which may, in some way, inspire someone else.  Thank you Danny for your love in this world.  i feel your spirit whenever the wind blows.

1 comment:

Graciela Testa Lynt said...

What a lovely tribute Charity! My Dad passed away 9 years ago this week and I find that I still can't put into words the feelings I have. And yes, still think of him every day.